Friday, July 24, 2009

how does one blog...

I'm so bad at this... I posted it only with the title on, no nothing else...!!? I really hope to get good at this, as I'll be wanting to rely on this as my way of communicating me with me... so to speak a me myself and I space. Nooo, don't jump to conclusion... yes I know how that sounds and yes you can judge me, but I also honestly think we all need a bit of me, myself and I time.

The other reason why I've started blogging, is I want to help Martin, now that's my man! No not legally claimed for, but close enough! This amazing man of mine have some few years ago designed a water filtration unit, and has been working very successfully in many clinics in the Limpopo area of South Africa and we want to take it even further. I must just add, as I had started to do some research on the matter I had come across some most amazing and very helpful sites and have been amazed at the way people are reaching out to help the developing countries with this very basic thing... water! That we so often just take for granted. This is just a bit on a more serious subject.

Gosh I've just learnt to "preview" my post, and now I could just go ahead and continue with it, I saw by chance that I had my first blog, held up in... you guessed it... in my draft box!! So you know now what I'll be doing just after finishing with this one, going back to that one, reminiscing over that day, when it was and how it felt like writing my first true blog; I actually forgot I got as far as writing something!! This is so bad! It is almost like forgetting your first kiss, which by the way... I can't remember my first kiss???

Oh hell! I don't know if I'm going to like blogging anymore!!!?? Perhaps All I need is a bit of time to remember, but this normally happens to when I cut out the bad things. I'm perfecting the ability to cut the bad out of my mind, but just enough so that I can remember not to repeat it again. Which I have to add that this took almost 40 years to accomplish. I was like a mule in many ways, just kept on bumping my head, then I'd still be wondering why my head was sore!!!? Now I hope my first kiss was not the case of it being so bad, that I basically had just cut it out of my mind...?? oh jeeppers!! This is going from bad to worse...! Oh by the way... may I swear on my blog? I have read twice that it is actually gooood for one. It helps to relieve the build up stress etc., and have been clinically, scientifically whatever proven to help with pain and all the other things, etc.. So just for those that don't know I'm not against swearing... one must just know where one should not swear.

Yes yes I know a dame (said as in Afrikaans, which for those that don't understand Afrikaans, dame is a lady) should just plainly NOT swear. Well f*ck that!! As I said this is a me, myself and I blog. (but I do apologize to the more sensitive readers). I still love you all, mainly because if you are reading this, thank you, although I don't know what you are letting yourselves in for. To tell you the truth, neither do I!!

Change of subject... totally... Well as I was saying that my main reason is to use this blog as a practice blog and get a bit professional as one can say, I just can't blunder my way though when I am working on Martin's blog. Which will be mine in the incognito style... mmmh I like that, incognito style!!

So here goes... my first published bLOG, but not first written, I'm going back to see what I wrote that day... How does that saying go... curiousity killed the cat...??